DG Awareness - Course Detail
危險品處理認知課程 Dangerous Goods Awareness
Introduction to the course
Definition of Dangerous Goods / Basis of IATA DGR
Legal requirements in Hong Kong
Shipper’s & Operator’s responsibility
Training requirement
Limitation – Forbidden / Hidden Dangerous Goods
Dangerous Goods Carried by Passengers or Crew
Transport of Dangerous Goods by post
State and Operator variations
Dangerous Goods Forbidden / Exempted
Classification of Dangerous Goods / Hazard classes and Divisions
Identification of Dangerous Goods - the List of Dangerous Goods
Packing of Dangerous Goods consignment
Types of packaging
Marks and labelling of Dangerous Goods consignment
Shipper’s declaration / Air waybill
Excepted Quantities of Dangerous Goods
Handling in warehouse & loading awareness of Dangerous Goods
Emergency procedures of Dangerous Goods
Provision of Information
Reporting – Undeclared or Mis-Declared Dangerous Goods
Assessment – questions
Test (30 minutes in multiple choice questions, passing mark 80%)